I obtained quotes from several shops, including a couple of the more well-known ones. Preston, the shop manager at Snohomish Flying Service, obtained a quote from his preferred shop. He was confident that it would be a better price than I would get anywhere else. Well, it would appear he was correct. And, not only is the quoted price the best of all of them, the projected lead time is the best as well. Assuming all goes well, I could be back in the air a good month and a half earlier than I would with another shop. Currently, the world of piston general aviation is experiencing a dramatic shortage of new cylinders. The shops I got quotes from all stated that they did not have any new cylinders and that they would only be able to use overhauled cylinders. While overhauled cylinders are always an option, and the engine should be just fine if they were used, every recommendation I've heard or read is to use new cylinders if possible. I've been truly fortunate in that, without goin...