I went out the shop today and spent about half an hour or so talking with the shop manager about my plane. Much of the work is done, but some remains. The trim tab has been installed, but apparently the rivets are not ones they normally have a large supply of, as they're waiting for one more before they can finish the installation and paint it. Currently that rivet hole is occupied by a cleco. Some things still to be done are fixing the wing root seal, replacing the landing light bulb, and fixing the red interior light. He thinks it's not the bulb, so fixing it will be a bit more involved, but hopefully not too hard.
Regarding the metal in the oil, he said it appears to be steel, so he doesn't think it's from the bearings. Rather, it could be from a gear, or possibly the cylinders. Either way, it's not like it's going to blow up or anything. The original plan was to run it for a time on the ground, then check it again. However, he is now recommending that I fly it for two hours or so, and then he'll bring it in to look at it. If they can't get to it right away, I'm okay to fly it more, just as long as I get at least two hours in. That shouldn't present a problem. I feel better about the situation than I did when I first heard about it.
He estimates it will be done sometime in the middle of next week. Hopefully the weather the following weekend will be nice and I can get that flying in as soon as possible.
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