About a week or so back, I was poking around the Power Flow website because I was wondering how much they were going for these days. While looking at the page they have for my particular airplane, I noticed that it addressed a potential issue with the carburetor: On the O-360 powered Beech 23 series airframes, the original carb furnished with the airplane is often set too lean. Since our system works by burning fuel in the mixture that would normally be pumped overboard unburned, these aircraft sometimes require that the carb be rebuilt/enrichened to take full advantage of the performance benefits offered by the Power Flow System. Mine is a B19 which originally came with an O-320, and of course a Power Flow had already been installed, but I wanted to make sure the overhaul shop knew about this since the carb was being rebuilt as well. I wanted to make sure they didn't set it too lean. So I called them back last Wednesday to make sure they knew about it. And, since it was almost fo...